Can healthcare be improved by leveraging big data? Many think so. Imagine a wearable medical device that alerts you if your day-to-day activities put you at risk for developing diabetes. Imagine an app that provides immediate, personalized medical advice based on your genetic profile. Emerging technologies like these are just around the corner, where data collection tools in healthcare and day-to-day life are used to transform care delivery and improve patient outcomes. Chief Healthcare Executive brought this topic to us in their article, “Exchanging data, improving care: Interoperability gains momentum.”
Big data collection and analysis enables doctors and health administrators to make more informed decisions about treatment and services. Hospitals and other large care facilities can use big data to capture a comprehensive picture of their end-to-end patient experience. Big data tools allow care teams to merge scattered data that would otherwise be archived and remain underutilized (read: useless) in secondary and tertiary clinics, hospitals, and specialist offices. Big data promises the consolidation of patients’ care records, allowing for rapid and accurate communication between patients and providers across a patient’s ongoing health journey.
Technology continues to gain a greater role in health care. This is all part of the drive to bring collaboration and efficiency to healthcare records.
Melody K. Smith
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