Identifying, explaining, and assessing emerging technologies that have the potential to change the world is at the core of what the Technology and Science Insights (TSI) team does at the UK’s Government Office for Science. They enable policy teams to keep up to date with a rapidly evolving technology landscape and respond to potential risks and opportunities. This interesting topic came to us from Gov.UK in their article, “Building a shared understanding of emerging technologies.”

Their data and expert insight supports government departments to make better strategic decisions on science and technology.

Emerging technologies are technologies whose development and/or practical applications are still largely unrealized. These technologies are generally new but also include older technologies finding new applications.

People’s lives can benefit greatly when decisions are informed by pertinent data that reveal hidden and unexpected connections and market trends. Identifying and tracking genes associated with certain types of cancer, for instance, can help inform and improve treatments. Often unaware and ordinary people, however, bear many of the costs and risks of participating in data markets. In many jurisdictions, the so-called data brokers are amassing and selling personal data, and this is a legal practice.

Most organizations have little knowledge regarding artificial intelligence (AI) systems’ decision-making and, as a result, they can offer little insight into how the results can be applied.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

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