Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest tech buzzword, and for good reason. It’s a game-changer with uses in everything from creating cool content to making personalized recommendations. In the workplace, generative AI promises to boost productivity, creativity and innovation. But, like any new tech, it comes with its own set of challenges that companies need to tackle to get the most out of it. Tech Target brought this interesting and applicable topic to us in their article, “How organizations should handle AI in the workplace.”

One big hurdle with generative AI is keeping data private and secure. These AI models need tons of data to learn and produce useful stuff. This raises red flags about keeping sensitive info safe, especially in fields like healthcare, finance and law. Companies need to set up strong data governance policies, encryption and access controls to protect their data and avoid unauthorized access or breaches.

Both employees and employers worry about what AI can do and whether it will replace human workers. The best way to handle this is by being proactive and working together. Employers can address these fears and show how AI can benefit everyone, from individuals to entire communities.

The real kicker is that many organizations don’t really understand how AI makes decisions. That’s where explainable AI comes in. It helps users understand and trust the results and outputs from machine learning algorithms.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

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