In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the importance of data quality has never been more critical. As emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to advance, the role of data as the backbone of innovation becomes increasingly apparent. However, the effectiveness and potential of these technologies hinge on the quality of the data they utilize. Poor data quality can undermine even the most sophisticated algorithms and systems, leading to flawed insights, misguided decisions and substantial financial and reputational damage. TechNative brought this interesting topic to us in their article, “Desirable Data: How To Fall Back In Love With Data Quality.”

Emerging technologies rely heavily on data to function, learn, and improve. AI and machine learning, for instance, require vast amounts of data to train models that can identify patterns, make predictions and automate decision-making processes. Similarly, big data analytics depend on accurate and comprehensive data sets to generate actionable insights. IoT devices constantly collect and transmit data, which is then analyzed to optimize operations, improve efficiency and enhance user experiences.

The consequences of poor data quality can be far-reaching and detrimental. Inaccurate data can lead to erroneous decisions, which in turn can result in financial losses, operational inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

Organizations that prioritize data quality will not only mitigate risks but also gain a significant competitive edge in the digital age. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out”—and in the world of emerging technology, this adage has never been more relevant.

At the end of the day, data needs to be findable, and that happens with a strong, standards-based taxonomyData Harmony is our patented, award winning, AI suite that leverages explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of your new and emerging concepts, to help you find the information you need when you need it.