When it comes to employees, it’s important for organizations to remember that everyone learns at different paces. Plus, with technology and workplace culture constantly evolving, reskilling employees is crucial to staying ahead. Taxonomies can be a big help. This interesting topic came to us from ATD Education in their article, “Putting Taxonomies to Work: Skills Tagging for Deep Capability Building and Experiential Learning.”

Taxonomies are a way to organize and classify skills, which comes in handy when designing learning programs. Whether we’re talking about hard skills or more human-centric skills, taxonomies can help categorize the right responses for different situations.

To make sure everything is indexed properly—especially when machines are doing the heavy lifting—you need a controlled vocabulary. That’s where Access Innovations comes in. They’re one of the few companies that can help create taxonomies that meet ANSI/ISO/W3C standards, making sure your information is easy to find. Whether you’re upgrading an existing system or building one from the ground up, Access Innovations works closely with clients to develop custom thesauri and taxonomies tailored to their needs.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

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