Researchers at the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Infection and Global Health are building the world’s most comprehensive database describing human and animal pathogens. This big data project will be used to prevent and tackle disease outbreaks around the globe. This interesting information came from in their article, “Using ‘Big Data’ approach to map relationships between human and animal diseases.” The Enhanced Infectious Diseases (EID2) database has been developed by the Liverpool University Climate and Infectious Diseases of Animals (LUCINDA) team and is funded by a BBSRC Strategic Tools and Resources Development Fund grant.

EID2 is using openly accessible information in a new way and thereby tracing the history of human and animal diseases to predict the effects of climate change on pathogens. The project will be using these predictions to produce maps showing which diseases are most likely in particular areas and to categorize the complex relationships between human and animal carriers and hosts of numerous pathogens. The project has far-reaching possibilities. It will be interesting to watch as it develops and evolves.

Melody K. Smith

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