June 15, 2010 – A new product, Tweetbeat, seeks to filter the 65 million daily tweets into a digestible amount of popular and important tweets based on your search.

This new product is being previewed specifically to filter all the tweets about the World Cup soccer tournament. Techcrunch.com highlighted Kosmix’s latest application of core semantic technology in their article, “Kosmix Unleashes Its Realtime Tweetbeat On The World Cup”.  Kosmix has created a taxonomy of the Web which spans more than 10 million topics and their relationships. It doesn’t rely on hashtags or keywords, but on relationships, influence, and trending clusters. How they determine influence is a combination of grouping clusters of tweets, ranking stories using a variety of real-time signals, the influence scores of those retweeting the story and the rate the cluster is growing. This influence score is called Krank by the creators.

Soon, Tweetbeat will be available as an iPhone app and desktop widget with a full version of Tweetbeat being released later this summer across all topics.

Melody K. Smith

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