October 8, 2010 – 10gen is dedicating an entire day event to the high-performance “NoSQL” document-oriented database. If 10gen sounds familiar, they are the company behind the open source MongoDB project. This is the tenth conference 10gen has organized on MongoDB, and will be the largest MongoDB event of the year.

This news was found on Marketwire in their article, “10gen Announces MongoDB Conference in Silicon Valley.”  The three-track conference will be held at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley in Mountain View, CA on December 3rd and will feature 30 sessions covering a broad variety of topics. 10gen expects over 300 CTOs, developers, and database administrators at the event.

An entire conference track will be dedicated to presentations from high-profile companies using the database in production. These production users will present on their experiences utilizing MongoDB for scaling, analytics, logging, and gaming.

Melody K. Smith

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