Vogue magazine has now opened up its digital archives to researchers. The 120 years of fashion history has been scanned from paper and turned into a digital data mine, completely indexed.

Market Watch brought this to our attention in their article, “Now Online: 120 Years of Vogue Fashion.” Voilà: the Vogue Archive was two years in the making.

Machine assisted indexing is a great feature in any document management system and it helps to reduce redundancy, but it is very important to choose a product that makes your content findable – easily and with thoroughness. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies and associated rule bases for machine assisted indexing.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in thesaurus, ontology, and taxonomy creation and metadata application.