Many professionals and healthcare organizations would like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to issue a final rule that includes a firm deadline for ICD-10 implementation. Most are going on the assumption that October 2014 is a solid date, but the uncertainty about the deadline is causing some organizations difficulty in focusing on the goal.

We found this interesting information on Information Week Healthcare in their article, “ICD-10 Deadline Uncertainty Breeds Healthcare Procrastination.” Not only does medical coding require specialized expertise and systems tailored to the regulatory requirements in which health care providers, hospitals, and doctors deliver their services, but training is also very important. Incorrect or insufficient coding can directly affect the bottom line.

Access Innovations, Inc. provides training to a client’s staff and then offers quality assurance and validation services that can:

  • Minimize the risk of a coding error
  • Identify inappropriate or inadvertently applied tags
  • Display a “map” of coding distributions to allow management to get a bird’s-eye view of the coding assignment flow.

Melody K. Smith

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