Pursuing their commitment to become a paperless facility, Galway Clinic has already converted many paper documents into electronic records. To handle the portion of their enterprise that requires scanning and indexing, they chose Access Enterprise Forms Management to capture, index and store the data.

“With Access UDP, we will eliminate a manual scanning and indexing process,  improve our work flow and get clinical and business output directly into our  content management system,” CIO Raphael Jaffrezic said. “We want to completely remove paper,  and UDP will help us get closer to reaching this goal.”

Virtual Strategy Magazine brought this news to our attention in their article, “Galway Clinic Selects Access Universal Document Portal to Get Clinical and  Business System Output into Meditech Scanning & Archiving – No Paper or  Indexing.” Going digital is advantageous to findability, of course, but it is also a good thing for the environment and the planet.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.