The IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters released Big Data and the Needs of the Pharma Industry, a white paper offering new strategies for managing Big Data. The focus is on using an array of technologies to convert Big Data for accessibility.

“The Big Data opportunity in pharma means linking a variety of content across silos,” said Tim Miller, vice president of Thomson Reuters Life Sciences. “Thomson Reuters is focused on making that content work at a human level, we use ontologies and analytics to turn Big Data into actionable Little Data.”

The white paper also addresses the concept that innovation in information processing involves creating environments where data has a relevant and accessible flow.

This interesting information was found on PR Newswire in their article, “Thomson Reuters Reveals New Strategies for Navigating Big Data in the Pharmaceutical Industry.”

The amount of data continues to grow and grow. Managing the quantity is almost as important as accessing the data itself. That can be achieved by creating strong taxonomies. Proper indexing against a strong standards-based taxonomy increases the findability of data. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies.

Melody K. Smith

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