Data is so much more these days than we ever thought possible. That applies to volume, and also to the variety of data types. There is structured data, semi-structured data, and unstructured data – plus there’s big data, which isn’t exclusive of any of the other types. Forbes brought this interesting information to us in their article, “Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Understand Big Data.”

The critical part of any data, regardless of type or size, is being able to find the content you are looking for with ease and speed. One way to ensure findability, even with big data issues, is through a taxonomy. A standards-based taxonomy provides clear and concise order to your data, which enables comprehensive search results. Standards are key to a solid taxonomy and comprehensive indexing.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.