A pair of webinars offered by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) and in partnership with the Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS) are planned to further DCMI’s goal of education and training in the design of languages of description and in best practices in the daily use of those languages. The first webinar is titled, “SKOS in Two Parts: Generic Tools and Methods for SKOS-based Concept Schemes” and scheduled for March 16, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Leading this first webinar is Joachim Neubert (ZBW Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany) and Osma Suominen (National Library of Finland).
The webinar will explain how you can create a version store, how skos-history interlinks versions and deltas, and how queries can get a grip on added or removed concepts, on changed notations, or on merges and splits of concepts. The skill level is considered intermediate. A working knowledge of SKOS and a basic knowledge of triple stores and SPARQL queries are presumed.
The second webinar is scheduled for April 6, 2016 also at 10:00 a.m. EDT and is titled, “Publishing SKOS concept schemes with Skosmos” and will be led by Osma Suominen (National Library of Finland). This webinar presents Skosmos, an open source web-based SKOS vocabulary browser that uses a SPARQL endpoint as its back-end. It can be used by e.g. libraries and archives as a publishing platform for controlled vocabularies such as thesauri, lightweight ontologies, classifications and authority files.The skill level is again intermediate with a working knowledge of SKOS and a basic knowledge of triple stores and SPARQL queries are presumed.
To register for one or both, please click here.
Melody K. Smith
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