We have already shared with you about The Taxonomy Cafe taking place at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) annual conference in June. In this unique workshop, presenters will give 30-minute case studies of a taxonomy implementations. They will cover how and why their organizations decided to implement a taxonomy, their approaches to implementation, lessons learned, and the current status. The presenters will be available for small group discussions and Q&A with participants, who will move around to the speaker tables to interact directly with them.



One of the presenters is Jim Sweeney, Product Manager for Synaptica LLC. Jim has 17 years taxonomy industry experience and 10 years with Synaptica overseeing product development, project management, and customer sales and support services for the Synaptica suite of knowledge organization systems software.

All presenters will be available all day for direct one-on-one interactions. This allows participants to speak directly with experts gaining in-depth understanding of the concepts, methods, implementations and options available for their own use. Register here.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.