With new developments happening in the field of artificial intelligence and search engines, scholars may find it challenging to keep up. Nature World News brought this information to our attention in their article, “Researchers Predict AI-based Search Engines Will Change the Face of Scientific Inquiry.”

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)’s Semantic Scholar has released the free AI-based scholarly search engine with a goal to outdo Google Scholar. This looks attainable considering its recent move is to cover some 10 million research articles in computer science and neuroscience.

But they aren’t alone. Microsoft Academic is the successor to Microsoft Academic Search. It aims to use academic search algorithms and data for researches through natural language processing. It’s supported by the search engine Bing, which now covers over 160 million publications.

It doesn’t end here. Other companies are also developing AI-driven software to dive into content found online. AI2 is evening trying to make a system that will answer new science questions and even propose new designs and hypotheses in the future.

Melody K. Smith

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