With a passion for language, Erin McKean founded a nonprofit corporation and the world’s largest online dictionary. Wordnik is how the language guru and wordsmith is pursuing her goal of describing all the words in English, especially those that don’t make an appearance in traditional dictionaries. Forbes brought this interesting topic to our attention in their article, “How This Founder Is Building A Dictionary For The Digital Age.

An avid seamstress and novelist, McKean knows that good communication is at the core of successful business and interpersonal relationships. To improve our ability to choose just the right word is the ultimate goal of McKean’s work.

Going from being editor-in-chief of American dictionaries at Oxford University Press to being the founder and CEO of a venture-backed technology startup and now to a nonprofit side project are part of an evolving journey. “Suddenly my job wasn’t to ‘do things right’ but to ‘do the right things'”, tweeted McKean.

As our daily lives become more and more influenced by technology, it is important that our resources keep up with users.

Melody K. Smith

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