A new collaboration between Microsoft and Amazon Web Service (AWS) is looking at deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Gluon is the result of the joint effort and it is intended to make developing solutions using machine learning more efficient. InfoQ brought this interesting information to us in their article, “Microsoft and AWS Collaborate on Machine Learning.”

The open-source deep learning and neural network solution comes with pre-built neural network components that can be created extremely fast and used to train algorithms. The programming techniques are not found in other frameworks and have deep support for sparse data which is often found in natural language processing.

This is not the first collaboration between these two technology giants, nor the first utilizing AI. This past summer they revealed that the support being built in to their own digital assistants will be able to work with each other. This means Microsoft’s Cortana can leverage the retail knowledge of Amazon’s Alexa, and Alexa is able to leverage the productivity features of Cortana.

Melody K. Smith

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