A digital asset management (DAM) system consists of the management tasks and technological functionality that helps companies organize their media assets (such as photographs, video and marketing assets) to strengthen their message or brand. CMS Wire brought this news to us in their article, “A DAM Glossary of Common Terms.”

Because DAM systems inventory, control, and distribute these digital assets for use and reuse in marketing and/or business operations more organizations are embracing them to help simplify the workflow.

What exactly is an asset? A digital asset is any form of content and/or media that has been formatted into a binary source and includes the right to use it.

One of the advantages of a DAM system is the governance it provides. Ultimately, it is the only way to manage and mitigate risk, especially with regard to rights management: what can be done with digital assets from a legal or intellectual property point of view.

Melody K. Smith

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