Amazon recently announced that it was investigating suspected internal leaks of confidential information by its employees for bribes. The Wall Street Journal brought this alarming information to our attention in their article, “Amazon Investigates Employees Leaking Data for Bribes.”

As an avid and frequent user of Amazon, I admit this caused my internal alarms to go off. It is our household’s number one shopping spot for all things: clothing, food, digital content, etc. Now we hear that Amazon employees are offering internal data and other classified information for profit.

Brokers are offering internal sales metrics and reviewers’ email addresses, as well as a service to delete negative reviews and restore banned Amazon accounts in exchange for payments ranging from about $80 to more than $2,000.

The trillion-dollar firm reportedly initiated an internal probe in May after being alerted to instances of this taking place in China, where it is said to be most prevalent.

Melody K. Smith

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