Sometimes in research, you don’t always see the benefits right away, and often times research even gets tossed before it gets started. JAXenter brought this interesting information to us in their article, “GitHub Experiments provides a sneak peak into software development.”

To shine a little more light on the work in progress, GitHub has launched Experiments: giving insight into ongoing research, showcases publicly available demos, and opens up discussion to the community.

They acknowledge that not everything can be shared with the public, no matter how innovative. However, with the launch of Experiments, the public will continue to get tastes and keep an eye on future innovations. In addition, feedback from the public will also be taken into consideration in order to make GitHub even better.

Their first sharing is a demo on the power of machine learningSemantic code searchSemantic code searching’s intended use case is for targeted searches of code within repos, organizations, or users. This is in contrast to more generalized searches.

Melody K. Smith

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