Artificial intelligence (AI) received an endorsement of sorts recently. The President of the United States signed an executive order on “Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence”. The order envisions the United States taking significant steps to increase research and development efforts while reforming its executive agencies to better compete with the Chinese government’s investments in AI development. This interesting topic was brought to us from Lawfare in their article, “Trump’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy: Aspirations Without Teeth.

Although the order is full of promising language and constructive suggestions for executive agencies, it is believed to have little in terms of effect without further support from Congress.

One of the three prong approaches of the executive order is education. One possible approach would be to issue educational grants that increase apprenticeships and educational opportunities that build science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills. The research and development funds are concentrated primarily within eight different agencies, but many other agencies regulate parts of the economy on which AI is encroaching.

Melody K. Smith

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