To be as helpful as possible to those in the fields of taxonomy, information services, semantic technologyontology, etc., we are sharing career opportunities that we find with our readers. Even if you are not in the market for a career move, it is always good to stay on top of what is available and how the fields are evolving.

The Allen Institute in Seattle, Washington is looking for an experienced applied Ontologist with a great balance of precision and pragmatism to design and implement product and domain-specific ontologies that semantically enrich the Allen Institute for Brain Science knowledge graph and data model. Experience required to lay a semantic foundation to support supervised and unsupervised content discovery, enable deep data mining, and support new interactive modes of engagement with our data. Click here to learn more and/or to apply.

If you are looking to change positions, good luck on your search.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.