Information management consultants are identifying the importance of aligning business and IT drivers for a holistic architectural approach to ensuring strong data quality. Tech Target brought this interesting information to our attention in their article, “Align business and IT drivers through data quality best practices.“
Data quality efforts are often needed while integrating disparate applications that occur during merger and acquisition activities. But there are other situations where the quality of data is critical. Like when siloed data systems within a single organization are brought together for the first time in a data warehouse or big data lake.
The issue of data quality has changed significantly over the past couple of decades. For example, now it is more real-time, automated, and business-driven than in the past, when batch processing and manual data cleansing were prevalent and IT typically drove things.
Data quality now requires more of an enterprise-wide view than a platform-specific one, due partly to an increased focus on ensuring data is accurate for reporting and analytics uses.
Melody K. Smith
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