Machine learning is used in information sciences, healthcare and many other industries, including astronomy. This interesting topic came to us from Space Ref in their article, “Surveying the reach and maturity of machine learning and artificial intelligence in astronomy.”

Machine learning is an automated process that learns by example in order to classify, predict, discover or generate new data. It and artificial intelligence (AI) are firmly established in astronomy. New applications are constantly being added to a growing catalog of work.

The learning part of machine learning refers to an algorithm’s ability to find patterns in data to self-improve the machine’s outcomes. The role of machine learning in space exploration can be roughly divided into data transmission, visual data analytics, navigation, and rocket landing.

A usual early step in deep space exploration is planet condition and environment analysis. Satellites and space telescopes have already collected a large amount data for example for Mars. Images are the major data source, while the major challenge is how to identify and read the right information from the images. Machine learning has become an effective technique for solving this problem.

Melody K. Smith

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