To be as helpful as possible to those in the fields of taxonomy, indexing, semantic technology, ontology, etc., we are sharing career opportunities that we find with our readers. Even if you are not in the market for a career move, it is always good to stay on top of what is available and how the fields are evolving.
AARP out of Washington D.C. is looking for a Data Analytics and Systems Project Manager. This position oversees multichannel fundraising data flow processes including the day to day activities associated with the organization’s fundraising CRMs and ECRM databases. The position is responsible for analytic system reporting, systems operations and effective project management. Among other duties, they would manage analytics solutions including data visualization dashboards, ad-hoc reporting and quality assurance reports. Click here for more information and/or to apply.
If you are looking to change positions, good luck on your search.
Melody K. Smith
Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.