Education is undergoing a lot of changes these days. Doors are closing, and online learning is getting all the attention and resulting in systems and people being overwhelmed. This interesting topic came to our attention from Dice in their article, “How Machine Learning, A.I. Might Change Education.”

Maybe this is the right time to make some larger changes? Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are poised to provide new ways to revolutionize learning and skills training at universities. Machine learning is aiding the work of teachers in doctorate degrees and can also provide data on how students are mastering skills.

An area that is less frequently connected to AI is ethics. Some studies are already exploring the ethical issues of replacing teachers with bots. Many believe that although bots can enhance education, they can’t replace teachers. AI can enrich the learning of students as they master skills, languages and basic math. What it lacks is the ability to apply creativity or critical thinking.

Melody K. Smith

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