I love fonts, but not to the point that 1,001 fonts applications excite me. However, a good font can enhance your communications and designs. The right font can add not just style but mood, time line and subliminal impressions to support your narrative. It’s better for a font to be clear and legible, rather than unreadable. If people have to spend extra time to understand what you have written, then they will disregard your design and story. This interesting topic came to us from The Scholarly Kitchen in their article, “The Font of the Future.”

There is a psychology behind font choices. Serif, sans serif, script, modern and display font choices can move your audience to feel how you want them to feel. The Futura font created by Paul Renner is a good example. It was hated by the Nazis, beloved by Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson, and traveled to the moon. This video shares the story of the font, which in turn enhances the stories of many.

Melody K. Smith

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