Cybersecurity is an area that has the potential to be most impacted by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The use of AI increases the risk and effectiveness of cyberattacks so it is important that organizations increase their efforts. This interesting topic came to our attention by in their article, “How AI Will Impact Both Cybersecurity and Cyber Attacks.”

The use of AI is becoming increasingly commonplace. Companies and governments use facial recognition technology to verify our identities; virtually every smartphone on the market has mapping and translation apps; and machine learning is an indispensable tool in diverse fields including conservation, healthcare and agriculture.

As the power, influence and reach of AI spreads, many international observers are scrutinizing the dual nature of AI technology. They’re considering not only AI’s positive transformative effects on human society and development, but also its downsides, particularly in terms of the global security threats to which it can expose us all.

Melody K. Smith

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