Intel recently combined their RealSense depth-sensing camera with a neural network to develop a facial recognition system that can enable access to a variety of technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) and devices easily. This interesting topic came to us from Engadget in their article, “Intel is using its RealSense tech for facial recognition.”

Similar to Apple’s Face ID, RealSense ID scans the contours of your face and can account for changes to facial hair and whether someone is wearing glasses. And according to Intel, it reliably works with “every skin tone and shade” — some other facial recognition systems have failed to properly differentiate between people with darker skin tones.

Computer vision algorithms have never been good at distinguishing human faces. Over time the best algorithms got better at finding a person in a large database between 2010 and 2018, and missed a true match just 0.2 percent of the time. That’s helped drive widespread use in government, commerce, and gadgets like the iPhone.

Melody K. Smith

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