The NISO Plus 2021 conference brought together people from across the global information community to share updates and participate in conversations about shared challenges and opportunities.

Like most conferences this past year and a half, 2021 was virtual – but that also made it more accessible. With 850 participants from 24 countries, sponsors were enthusiastic about the opportunity that NISO Plus 2021 provided for engaging with information professionals from around the world.

The global Planning Committee have already been hard at work planning the content of next year’s conference and we can expect it to be just as high in quality.

Several organizations have already committed to sponsoring next year’s conference and Access Innovations is proud to be one of them. If you want to play your part in making NISO Plus 2022 affordable and accessible for all, check out the sponsorship options.

Watch for updates on speakers, programs and registration here.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.