Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to find new and helpful applications in healthcare. Recently, Mayo Clinic researchers demonstrated an AI-based system for untangling the seemingly random and meandering routes taken by electric stimulation pulses delivered to a single region of the brain. The aim of the investigation was to uncover interactions among and between brain regions affected by the electric current both directly and indirectly. This interesting news came to us from AI in Healthcare in their article, “AI combines with electricity to juice neuroscience.”

The technique doesn’t have immediate clinical applications, however it opens avenues for numerous neuroscientific inquiries.

It also demonstrates the growing interaction between AI and cognitive science. AI, with its ability to identify patterns in large, complex data sets, has seen remarkable successes in the past decade, in part by emulating how the brain performs certain computations. Cognitive science is beginning to benefit from the power of AI.

Technology continues to play more of a role in health care. Data Harmony is our patented, award winning, AI suite that leverages explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of your new and emerging concepts.

Melody K. Smith

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