Artificial intelligence (AI) is the science and practice of designing software and intelligent systems that behaves intelligently as opposed to natural intelligence exhibited by humans and animals. The main field of AI is machine learning – the ability for a machine to learn from experience; the machine can analyze data to generate an outcome.

Although AI has been around for decades, it hasn’t been widely applied. However, there is a strong push in recent years to make the technology more commonplace by making it affordable for all businesses. But do they understand it enough to apply it?

Most organizations have little visibility and knowledge of how AI systems make the decisions they do, or how the results are being applied. 

Explainable AI allows users to comprehend and trust the results and output created by machine learning algorithms. “Explainable AI” is used to describe an AI model, its expected impact and potential biases. Why is this important? Because the results can have an impact on data security or safety.

AI can speed up processes. It can improve quality of the data and resulting analytics. AI is now making it possible to turn most business problems into data problems, where AI’s ability to think and solve problems can be put to good use.

There are challenges with AI with regards to society and humanity. The social changes can disrupt our way of life. Humans have to work hard to earn a living, but with AI we can simply program machines to do something for us without having to pick up tools.

Human intimacy could gradually diminish as AI replaces the need for people to meet and exchange ideas in person. We have had a small peek into this with the pandemic and video conferencing/virtual gatherings.

Unemployment will increase as many jobs will be replaced by machines. Many automobile assembly lines today are full of machines and robots, leaving traditional workers out of work. Even supermarkets don’t need shopkeepers anymore because digital devices can outperform human labor.

And what about the economy as a whole? Wealth inequality occurs when investors receive most of their income. The gap between the rich and the poor will widen.

There are many positive effects of AI on humans, especially in the field of health care. AI gives computers the ability to learn, reason and apply logic. Scientists, medical researchers, clinicians, mathematicians and engineers can work together to develop AI that targets medical diagnosis and treatment to provide a reliable and secure healthcare delivery system.

It is all about finding that right balance, the yin and yang of contributions from technology and humans.

At Access Innovations we are here to help bridge that gap. Data Harmony is a fully customizable suite of software products designed to maximize precise, efficient information management and retrieval. Our suite includes tools for taxonomy and thesaurus construction, machine aided indexing, database management, information retrieval and explainable AI. Data Harmony is much more than a single purpose tool.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, harmonizing knowledge for a better search experience.