Data integrity is the basis of any decision made using data, and one way to insure it is through a comprehensive and solid data governance strategy and policy. MarkTech Post brought this subject to our attention in their article, “What is Data Governance? Top Data Governance Tools for Data Science and Machine Learning Research in 2022.

Modern business is built on a foundation of trusting data; yet high-volume collection makes it a challenge to keep a sound foundation of high data integrity, because the amount and diversity of collected data is greater and ever-broadening. An effective data governance strategy is critical for unlocking the full benefits of information. Advantages include more data-driven decision-making, enhanced business innovation, and improved collaboration through clearer communication.

Robust data management means data collection and storage inside an organization must be governed by a set of policies, procedures, and protocols, all of which are created and maintained according to a data governance policy. When organizational data is arranged and classified according to such a set of predetermined rules and standards, consistency and accessibility across all processes in all departments are improved.

A controlled vocabulary or full taxonomy is needed to ensure that the machine-assisted or fully automated indexing is comprehensive, regardless of what is to be indexed. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies to make their information findable.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

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