Smart Parks is a Netherlands-based organization deploying high tech and an R&D-focused approach to finding technological solutions to conservation problems. The organization is becoming well-known for using LoRa (long range) wireless technology to create networks of connected sensors and devices within conservation areas. The Harvard Business Review brought this interesting subject to our attention in their article, “Can AI and Machine Learning Help Park Rangers Prevent Poaching?

Globally there are too few park rangers to prevent the illegal trade of wildlife across borders, or poaching. The networks are designed to help anti-poaching teams by giving them access to real-time data such as animal locations, vehicle movements, and fence voltages, among other parameters.

Working primarily in Africa, Smart Parks’ next phase of development is to first add more sensors to tracking collars for collecting additional data, such as sounds and movement, and then use machine learning to gain additional insights for research.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

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