In a bid to outpace each other in data analytics, businesses are continuously looking for effective solutions. Artificial intelligence (AI) helps data management professionals realize which of their practices are ineffective and which are working the best. This interesting information came to us from Acceleration Economy in their article “How AI Strengthens Data Governance and Increases Your Data’s Value.”

Businesses increasingly rely on AI and machine learning to make better products and drive operational efficiency. The value of these emerging technologies is only as high as governance standards that are in place. Those standards require the application of policies and frameworks.

There is a reason why ‘big data‘ is a term in common use. The amount of data storage – and production, for that matter, which drives it – has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. Computing technologies continue their boom, and the number of devices that can store and process data and particularly cloud data has increased. 

Legacy systems can’t keep up with modern data demands, so generally, they have to go. The shift to newer systems, however, can be complex. Every organization must contend with user acceptance or rejection of new technologies while steering toward scalability of, security of, and compliance with a new system. These opposing organizational forces are tricky to navigate and leaders must be prepared to take charge of transitions.

The biggest challenge, however, is comprehension. Most organizations have little knowledge on how AI systems make decisions, and as a result, they are in the dark as to how to measure and apply the results.

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the intelligence and the technology behind world-class explainable AI solutions.