Our regular blogger is out of commission while recovering from surgery. Please enjoy this classic blog post that is still very relevant in 2024. The link to the Corporate Librarian Jobs is current as of June 2024.

Corporate Librarian: Not a Dying Art After All

June 30, 2010 – A job posting gives hope that the importance of good and intentional archiving with a strong taxonomical layout of information resources has not went by the wayside. 

Not that I’m looking for a new job, but it was refreshing to see that indeed has posting for Corporate Librarian Jobs.  A Corporate Librarian isn’t exactly the tight-bunned, pursed lips, and wire-framed image that most people have of librarians. This is a highly valuable position and unfortunately one that seems to have been replaced or eliminated in past years. Their role is to manage and maintain all company-owned information resources and associated content. That is a position of power. Storing, archiving and building a taxonomical layout of information resources to be consistent across and throughout an organization requires a strong knowledge of taxonomy and comprehensive cataloging systems. My hat is off to the company who still sees the value of a librarian. 

Melody K. Smith 

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