Continuing with the SLA Taxonomy Division’s webinar series, the next webinar is titled “Taxonomies for Publishing: Enhancing the User Experienceand will be held Wednesday, December 14th at 1:00 p.m. EST (10:00 a.m. PST).

In the modern environment of Web-hosted content, where users can instantly find and access vast numbers of works, the competitive value of a journal article, a book, or a collection is increasingly derived from users’ ability to connect the information contained within the works themselves with other content that is important to them. This ability to create instant connections between works that have been heretofore kept separate or siloed – by department, journal title, content type, or publishing house represents a revolution in the way users search for, consume, and pay for information. This trend has been happening for several years. By indexing every page on the Web, Google has allowed significantly increased options for the users and changed the economy of publishing to one that is increasingly based around discrete units of information, rather than the journal or the book. Instead of starting at a journal’s home page, users go directly to articles, bypassing the publisher’s home page branding and revenue-generating advertising. Google has effectively become the e-hub connecting all content on the Web. Nearly all publishing organizations, internal or commercial, are discovering that in order to protect their brands and preserve the value of subscription sales, they need to become more active participants in this process and create new paths that enable users to find additional value within their content collections.

Facilitated by Jay Ven Eman, CEO of Access Innovations. Discussion will include:

  • Beyond searching and browsing, the power of content links to enable discovery
  • Connecting people, places, events, products
  • Repurposing legacy content to create targeted resources for specific target markets
  • Enabling links to ideas and data sets beyond the article
  • Creating networks of colleagues, authors, peer reviewers, and society members

Register for the webinar here.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.