TEMIS has completed a conclusive series of tests of its flagship Luxid Content Enrichment Platform on Microsoft Corp.’s Windows Azure. This is a signficant step towards customer application deployments on Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure.

This interesting new was found on MarketWatch in their article, “TEMIS Completes Successful Wide Scale Semantic Content Enrichment Test in Windows Azure.” The volume and variety of topics, languages, etc. can vary greatly and quickly, and this technology is being designed to hopefully address and handle these challenges. The Luxid range of products includes a standard integration that streamlines its on-premise use in Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

Access Innovations’ Data Harmony suite of content enrichment and thesaurus management tools can also be fully integrated with Microsoft SharePoint 2010. SharePoint users can take full advantage of their metadata through auto-classification, enterprise taxonomy management, entity extraction, and search enhancements.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.