TSO was selected by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing to publish bibliographic linked open data. TSO is part of the Williams Lea group and their product is the OpenUp platform.

This interesting information was found on Knowledgespeak in their article, “RSC Publishing selects TSO’s OpenUp platform to publish bibliographic Linked Open Data.”

The strategy to expose the potential from data, a dedicated RSC linked data portal, will encourage developers and consumers to query and pull the RDF for re-use via SPARQL queries or a linked data API.

Users will be able to search and query the bibliographic data alongside other RSC datasets using TSO’s Flint SPARQL query editor. The project will initially include 20,000 articles, which amounts to approximately 40 million Resource Description Framework (RDF) statements.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in thesaurus, ontology, and taxonomy creation and metadata application.