Glad you asked.

In 2014, we improved the instruction manuals significantly – to be more comprehensive without being harder on the eyes. We upgraded the documentation to be even clearer, more consistent and complete than before, while removing extraneous material.

Data Harmony customers will find that the software guides are now boosted by —  A) better content, B) clearer page-layouts, and C) more navigation features.

Better Content:

  • Overview section presents a less-technical description of what the Data Harmony module is accomplishing and how,
  • Instructions for doing tasks in interfaces are streamlined, with more tips for the frequent user,
  • Glossary no longer contains Data Harmony software definitions mixed in alongside general thesaurus/indexing definitions. Now there are two highly-focused knowledge resources to help our users directly:

–  ‘Thesaurus Master® and MAIstro™ Glossary’ defines terminology that a person should know to   gain the greatest advantage while using either program to develop or administer a controlled vocabulary

–  ‘M.A.I.™ Glossary’ defines terminology that a person needs to know in order to work with a rule base for subject-indexing text

  • A recent emphasis by development programmers on customizing the use of API calls to meet specialized customer goals is now reflected in documentation for several ‘Data Harmony extensions,’ available for purchase this year for the first time – such as Search Harmony & Recommender, Inline Tagging, Semantic Fingerprinting, Metadata Extractor, and the Smart Submit author submission platform. User guides for these Data Harmony Web services/extensions contain implementation examples that illustrate the software in action, with corresponding explanations

– Wait… what was that last one?

  • The API calls offer a method for system administrators to facilitate ongoing Web services for Data Harmony users in an interface (or through machine-to-machine automated operations).

But wait, there’s more.

Kirk Sanders, Editorial Services Project Manager
Access Innovations