Because there is no reliable way to choose strategies that are appropriate for implementing guidelines facing different barriers, a scoping systematic review was performed on MEDLINE and EMBASE covering the years from 2004 to 2013. From studies that evaluated the implementation of guidelines on arthritis, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and heart failure, the data was extracted and summarized. Interventions were mapped against a published taxonomy of guideline implementation strategies. 7th Space Interactive brought this information to our attention in their article, “Trends in guideline implementation: a scoping systematic review.”

What were the results? Education for professionals or patients and print material were the most commonly employed strategies for translating guidelines to practice. Mapping of strategies onto the published taxonomy identified gaps in guideline implementation that represent opportunities for future research and expanded the taxonomy.

True taxonomies can help manage big data by providing a solid standards-based taxonomy to index against. The results are comprehensive and consistent search results. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies because of consistency.

Melody K. Smith

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