You can increase your data value by using big data with neural networks combined with ontologies to make your big data smarter. This interesting information came to us from CIO in their article, “Big data – a road map for smarter data.”

Big data is a term that is used in the information technology industry to mean building multiple sources of information together into a data lake – a data repository built on relatively inexpensive high-performing computer hardware.

The advent of machine learning capabilities for big data solutions provides additional analytical capabilities. Machine learning has derived meaningful insights which can be used to support business development and organizational growth.

The machine learning of today has no more capability than the statistical packages that are already in use within enterprise data warehouse solutions. The future holds a new set of machine learning tools that integrate with big data – neural networks – which have the capability for classification, regression analytics and forecasting.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.