For those hard core Scrabble players or bibliophiles, the maker of the iconic word game, Hasbro Inc., has added 300 new words to boost your score. This interesting news came to us from VOA in their article, “Score! Scrabble Dictionary Adds ‘OK,’ ‘ew’ to Official Play.”

Merriam-Webster released the sixth edition of “The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary” recently at the behest of Scrabble owner Hasbro Inc. The official dictionary holds more than 100,000 words. Some of the new words include ew, ok and zen. For the more hard core players who are looking for a challenge, new words like sriracha, facepalm, and emoji could make a serious impact on your score.

Merriam-Webster put out the first official Scrabble dictionary in 1976. Before that, the game’s rules called for any desk dictionary to be consulted. Since an official dictionary was created, it has been updated every four to eight years, with the last being published four years ago.

Melody K. Smith

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