Technological innovations and discoveries are taking place every day. Just recently, a team of researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City created one of the first platforms using large-scale image data in neuropathology for building and evaluating deep learning algorithms. This interesting information came to us from Psychology Today in their article, “New AI Tool May Help Diagnose Neurodegenerative Diseases.”

What does this mean, you ask? By developing a method that uses deep learning to improve tissue examination and supplement both partially quantitative and qualitative commonly-used techniques, a fast, unbiased and reproducible alternative to manual testing is achieved. The algorithm can recognize, classify, and quantify diagnostic elements of tauopathies – neurodegenerative disorders that may have glial or neuronal inclusions made of tau, a microtubule-binding protein.

Pathologists provide one of the most significant sources of diagnostic data for providers across the spectrum of care delivery. Seventy percent of all decisions in healthcare are based on a pathology result. Artificial intelligence can also improve productivity by identifying features of interest in slides before a human clinician reviews the data.

Melody K. Smith

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