Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), automated industry is quickly making human presence redundant. On a bigger scale, AI continues to evolve. We are at the cusp of a revolutionary change that will define the way we live in the future. This topic was brought to us by Gulf News in their article, “AI can make better use of all data.”

AI is a cognitive machine learning process that emulates the development of the human brain and which has started to disrupt industries from manufacturing and transport to agriculture and governance. It is important to remember that AI reaches beyond the borders of the industrial sector and into activities of our daily lives.

When it comes to finance, AI offers additional features that your neighborhood banker is helpless to match. AI in digital banking could mean optimizing personal finances and budgets. Because AI is designed to detect fraudulent transactions, any suspicious or out of the ordinary activity in an account can be flagged at once, securing the account and the funds inside it.

Melody K. Smith

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