Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have the potential to measurably improve the accuracy of web search results. This isn’t really breaking news, but new applications are being implemented. Recently Bing’s image search engine was equipped with a number of techniques that better handle searches for pictures with specific context or attributes. Venture Beat brought this interesting topic to our attention in their article, “Bing taps AI to improve image search results.”

Search engines use AI and machine learning for various tasks, such as quality control, ranking algorithms, and natural language processing and image analysis to better understand queries – to name a few.

Search engines are computer applications, but they need to be able to understand human language in order for users to find the information they’re looking for. Algorithms have been updated and thanks to AI, the high quality content can be separated from the spam. We suspect that as AI progresses, it will completely take over this responsibility and remove the need for human quality raters entirely.

Melody K. Smith

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