Editing by committee is a prolonged and mostly painful process that quite often sends me running away, seeking refuge in my own office, with my own delete key. Crowdsourcing can be very similar. One approach that can help is to have a taxonomy built with categories and terms that apply to the entire industry.

This article was inspired by The Daily Crowd Source’s article, “[Crowd Leader: David Alan Grier] Preparing A Good Crowdsourcing Taxonomy.” It is important that the definitions be refined and the categories not too broad. Only by working with the crowdsourcing space as a whole can we begin to understand the true structure of the field.

Building a solid taxonomy requires experience and standards. Both of which Access Innovations has in spades. Access Innovations’ solutions are ANSI compliant and implement state-of-the-art technology to speed tagging and reduce errors.

Melody K. Smith

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