Wielding SAS Text Analytics helps to reduce manual tagging, improves search results and supports ad revenue generation. This improved digital content performance is achieved by indexing, tagging and classifying data so that the ultimate in findability is achieved.

BusinessWire brought this news to our attention in their article, “SAS(R) Text Analytics Good News for Tribune.” With the integration of SAS Ontology Management and SAS Enterprise Content Categorization, ontologies can be developed and immediately used. In addition, they improved content indexing through a taxonomy that maps to Google AdWords.

Machine assisted indexing against a solid custom taxonomy is the key to any record management system’s success. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies that can help clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies to manage their content.

Melody K. Smith       

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.