EBSCO Industries out of Birmingham, Alabama recently announced that Ryan Loy will be joining the company as Chief Information Officer (CIO). Business Wire brought this news to us in their article, “EBSCO Industries Announces New Chief Information Officer.”

“As we plan for significant organic and acquisition growth over the next five to ten years, building the proper foundation of leadership is critical to creating and sustaining our momentum. We are delighted to have Ryan join our team,” said David Walker, CEO. “We look forward to his leadership in information technology—an important component in enabling our businesses to differentiate, grow, and create even more value for our customers.”

Loy held leadership positions at Eli Lilly, Deloitte and ADTRAN before joining EBSCO in a position that required a collaborative, non-political, non-territorial leader who is comfortable challenging the status quo while building a team that treats its members and internal customers with trust and respect.

EBSCO Information Services, the largest EBSCO business, is the leading provider of discovery services, databases, and other information resources for libraries worldwide.

Melody K. Smith

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